Monday, November 19, 2012

What is a bootcamp?

When I first began looking for employment in Bogotà, the most common response I would receive is: "Your portfolio is great, and we'd love to hire you, but...". Usually following that but was some variation of, "you don't speak Spanish well enough." Too often I hear the same from friends of mine, who speak Spanish fluently, and yet haven't mastered English.

They can speak it well enough in a social setting, but when it comes to writing a cover letter, resumè, or giving a presentation they struggle. That's what made me think about what I learned in my preparation for the job market in the US, and what I could bring to the Colombian market to give others the same edge I feel now. That is where Business Bootcamp of Bogotà comes in.

The first question you may ask is, "What is a bootcamp?" No, I am not going to have you wearing an army uniform, doing exercises in the mud and screaming at you. If you enjoy that, then maybe we can work something out, but in the business sense, this "bootcamp" is working with you one-on-one to go over your cover letters and resume, tailor them for the industry and position you are targeting, understanding what your strengths are and how to show those off, and what your weaknesses are and how to over come those to get the job you deserve.

If you want to excel in your work, and become the best you can be with your bilingual skills, contact me at and we'll set up a consultation to begin the process to a better professional you!

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